Gurpreet S/o Sh. Naresh kumar was born on 8th June 2005 in the town of Saha of Block Saha. He is mentally retarded child with 50% disability. His father is a labourer and mother is house wife. He is studying in 6th class in Govt. Senior Secondary School Saha. As per his parents, he suffers…Read More
Manish Kumar, S/o Sh. Hari Om, Resident of Vill. Rathpur near Pinjore, Panchkula district. I am a student of 9th class in GSSS Pinjore. I am 100% orthopaedically impaired and also suffering from muscular dystrophy by birth. My father is a labourer and it’s very difficult to bear the expense of 4 people in our…Read More
I am Bhawana of Dhani Peerwali tehsil –Hansi, district- HISAR (HARYANA). I live in joint family with my parents, siblings and grandparents. My father is self employed in the field of agriculture and my mother is a house maker. At present I am six years of age. Since my birth my development has been delayed…Read More