Identification and mainstreaming of out of school children by KGBV Anaikulam,Virudhunagar District, Tamil Nadu (SSAC10623)
Residential Special Training Center Boys won First Prize at National Level Karate Championship, Tiruvannamalai district,Tamil Nadu (SSAC10577)
Unique efforts of teachers in checking migration of children and encouraging crowd contribution, Varvandi Tanda, Maharashtra (SSAC10312)
Residential hostel, Raipur, Chhattisgarh (SSAC6949)
Special Residential Training in Bihar (SSAC6824)
Residential Hostels for urban deprived children, Odisha (SSAC6813)
Best Practices on Inclusion of Out of School Children – Residential Special Training Hostel (SSAC6807)
In Bihar, there are around 2.16 lakh children who are out of school. Many of these children are child laborer, rag picker, railway platform children,...
Residential school and educational services in Tawang district (SSAC6732)
A case study about how Residential school in a difficult district and terrain have helped in the drop-out rate to come down to zero.

चांदनी( SSAV6135 )
ये मूरत बेाल सकती है अगर चाहो होश और जोश की चिंगारी सुलगा कर तो देखो उक्त पंक्तियाँ चरितार्थ की गयी हैं श्री हुकुम सिंह उनियाल प्र0अ0/वार्डन आवासीय हास्टल 55 राजपुर रोड देहरादून के द्वारा। सर्व शिक्षा अभियान/ शिक्षा का अधिकार कार्यक्रम के अन्तर्गत विशेष बच्चे जो विद्यालयी शिक्षा से वंचित हैं को शिक्षा की मुख्यधारा से जोड़ने के लिए देहरादून जनपद में 55 राजपुर रोड में एक आवासीय छात्रावास संचालित है. इस छात्रावास में लगभग 50 से अधिक बच्चे जो विभिन्न कारणों से शाला त्यागी थे को विशेष प्रशिक्षण के माध्यम से मुख्यधारा में जोड़ने का पवित्र कार्य किया है प्र0अ0/वार्डन श्री उनियाल एवं उनके सहयोगी स्टाफ ने। इन्हीं बच्चों में से एक है चांदनी। जैसा कहते हैं ‘‘होनहार बीरवान के होत चीकने पात’’ यह बच्ची जन्म से एक हाथ एवं एक पांव से दिव्यांग है परन्तु आज हौसलों एवं उम्मीदों के साथ जीवनपथ पर आगे अग्रसर है। चांदनी मूल रूप से बिहार राज्य की रहने वाली है जो पढ़ाई लिखायी से कोसों दूर थी। इनका पूरा परिवार देहरादून के घण्टाघर के आस पास भिक्षा वृत्ति करते थे। प्र0अ0 द्वारा इस बच्ची के माता पिता से इसको आवासीय हास्टल में पढ़ाई लिखायी हेतु भेजने के लिए आग्रह किया गया परन्तु माता पिता इसके लिए तैयार नहीं थे। प्र0अ0 द्वारा सतत एवं बार.बार परामर्श कर एवं यह चुनौती लेते हए कहा कि इस बालिका को 1 माह तक हमारे पास भेज दो यदि आपको इसमें काई परिवर्तन नहीं दिखा तो इसे वापस बुला लेना। इस शर्त पर अन्ततः सफलता हासिल करते हए बच्ची के माता पिता विशेष प्रशिक्षण हेतु भेजने के लिए राजी हो गये और दोनों हुकुम के हुकुम को टाल न सके और चांदनी को हुकुम के हवाले कर दिया। अब हुकुम एवं उनके सहयोगियों के पास एक चुनौती थी कि चांदनी का आवासीय हास्टल में ठहराव एवं उसे प्रारम्भिक ज्ञान देना। प्रधानाध्यापक एवं विद्यालयी की शिक्षिका संगीता तोमर द्वारा जिस परिश्रम एवं प्रेरणा के साथ चांदनी के साथ कार्य किया उसी का परिणाम था कि बच्ची अब घर वापस जाने के लिए तैयार नहीं थी। एक माह के पश्चात माता पिता चांदनी को लेने हास्टल आ पहुंचे लेकिन चांदनी ने वापस लौटेने के लिए मना कर दिया। 03 महीने बाद पुनः माता पिता फिर से यह कहते हुए कि इसके दादा की मृत्यु हो गयी है, अब तो इसे छोड़ दो, परन्तु चांदनी ने वापस जाने से साफ इंकार कर दिया और कहा कि उसे पढ़ाई करनी है और कुछ नहीं। आज चांदनी कक्षा 7 में पढ़ रहीं है और धारा प्रवाह हिन्दी एवं अंग्रेजी बोलती एवं पढ़ती है। चांदनी भविष्य में शिक्षक बनना चाहती है। पूर्व में 11 जनवरी 2017 को शिक्षा मंत्रालय के सचिव श्री अनिल स्वरूप द्वारा इस छात्रावास में अपने निरीक्षण के दौरान जब इस बच्ची से बातचीत की और पढ़ाई लिखाई से सम्बन्धित जानकारी प्राप्त की तो वो बच्चों की प्रगति से इतने प्रसन्न हुए कि चांदनी और सभी बच्चे ‘‘यूं ही मेहनत से पढ़ो और आगे बढ़ो। प्रधानाध्याक और शिक्षकों द्वारा किया जा रहा यह प्रयास उल्लेखनीय एवं सराहनीय है। इसलिए कहा गया है कि- Difficult Roads often leads to Beautiful Destinations.

Khushi Sriwastav( SSAV5922 )
Baby Khushi Sriwastav was living in Kota a colony of Raipur the capitol city of Chhattisgarh. Her father’s name is Ram Sriwastav. Her mother Sunita Sriwastav died in an accident when khushi was just 6 month old. After death of Khushi’s mother her father left her with grandparents. He never came back to look after her. Khushi’s grandparents are poor and they always worried about her future. During survey of never enrolled children they came to know about residential hostel. They became very happy when they came to know that Government provides free education with residential facilities. Khushi’ grandparents admitted her in residential hostel no. 1 at Raipur which is being operated by Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. Khushi is now happy with other children. She describes in her own words “I never thought that I could get education after being deprived by my mummy and papa. I really want to thank my grandparents and teachers whose affection made me strong. I am happy here in this residential hostel with friends. It is better than a home for me.”

Amerdeep Bara( SSAV5911 )
Amerdeep Bara, S/O Late Shri Vincent Bara, Mother- Late Sunita Toppo, had been admitted in Inderdhnush Residential school on 26/03/12 through Shri Upender Kumar Singh, staff of Samadhan Child Seva ( NGO ). Amerdeep is from Karra Khunti . His mother and father both died when he was young. Before enrolment in this school Amerdeep was washing the plates and pots in hotels in KHUNTI. He was also working in PHERIWALA and hotels in Khunti district headquarter area. He had also never been gone to school. Presently Amerdeep is studying in class VII. After enrollment in Inderdhanush Residential School he is living and doing very well. He attends the classes every day. He feels happy in Hostel. Now he is having basic knowledge of computer. He makes very good paintings. He has been honored many times in different level competitions in Paintings.

Guddu Lakra( SSAV5909 )
Guddu Lakra S/O Late Shri Mahadev Lakra, Mother- Late Rupan Tirkey had been admitted in Inderdhnush Awasiya Vidalaya Residential School on 02/04/11. Guddu is from Manitola, Doranda Ranchi and he had been residing with his one elder sister. His mother and father both died when he was only six years old. He was working in a hotel situated in Doranda area and sometimes had to pick rags to feed him. He never had gone to school. He had no clothes to wear. His relatives came to know about Inderdhanush Residential School through a teacher of Government School Doranda and they admitted him in this school. Presently Guddu is studying in class V. After enrollment in Inderdhanush Residential School he is living and doing very well. He attends the classes every day. He feels happy in Hostel. In Morning in every day Yoga practice session is scheduled for the children so that children can be fit and can concentrate on their study. Guddu every day participates in the outdoors games like Cricket, Football and Kabbadee in evening. School management pays attention on physical and mental development of children and for this outdoor and indoor both type of games/ Sports facilities are provided for the children. School management has made arrangement for providing education through educational CDs, cartoon show, movies/ show on based on education and sports and social issue. For Guddu these types of show arrangements are very interesting and joyful. School has provided him school uniform, Shoes and socks, Bags, color pencils, and all residential facilities in hostel. The children get regular health check up. There has been arrangement of First Aid also. There has been arrangement for frequent educational visits for the children. All children celebrate all festivals in schools together.

Habanjoy Tripura( SSAV3658 )
Age-13 years old. Class:VI(Six),Father-Jarmejoy Tripura, Mother-Kati bala Tripura,Vill: Jatindra Para Po+PS- Ganganagar, Dist-Ambassa, Dhalai Tripura Distance : Jatindra Para to Ganaganagar- 60 KM Mark obtained : 71% Grade Shri Habanjoy Tripura came for study to the Ganganagar High school in the year 2014. He got admission in class – III (three) and was provided boarding facility in Ganganagar Residential Hostel. When he was enrolled, he faced problems in Bengali and English reading and could not pronounce properly. He could not even recognize the alphabets. Later on, under the careful supervision of the Warden and support of the Part-time Teachers engaged for the hostel, his capabilities have improved dramatically. At present, he is able to pronounce, read and write in English and Bengali properly.

Manmadha Kumar D( SSAV1865 )
Manmadha Kumar D, a 12 years old boy from BTR Colony, a slum area situated in the outskirts of Tirupati was referred by Child Welfare Committee on 12th February, 2014. Manmadha was living along with his parents and two sisters. Manmadha’s father was a mason, alcoholic and neglected the family. He studied upto 5th standard in Municipal Primary School, Tirupati. Manmadha was repeatedly beaten by his mother for his poor attendance, low academic performance, friendship with school dropouts and bad habits like selling the old iron materials, mobile phones, etc. Manmadha is now comfortable with other children in the hostel after receiving counseling individually and in groups. Manmadha’s mother was very happy to observe great change in his son’s attitude and behaviour. His mother visits him frequently. Manmadha was admitted into 7th standard in Mahatma Gandhi Municipal Corporation High School, Bairagipatteda, Tirupati. Special counseling has helped Manmadha to fair better in studies. He is regular to school and getting B+ grade in all the subjects. He is found with leadership qualities taking charge of other children in cultural activities like Kolatam, Stage shows, etc. He declares the institute as a substitute family. His goal is to become a doctor and serve the deprived after completing his studies.

Lobsang Choengey( SSAV1302 )
Father’s Name :- Ketcheng Mother’s Name :- Leki Zomba Village :- Paikhar Shri. Lobsang Choengey got electrocuted when he was 8 years old and had his both hands amputated. Then he got admission in Manjushree Residential School. Since then his study has been going on in good stead. He stood 1st position in class VIII in the school in 2014-15. He is now pursuing his Secondary Education in Govt. Sec. School, Bomba after completing his elementary education from the Manjushree Residential School. In sec. school, he secured 3rd position in class IX in 2015-16 and now in 2016-17 he is reading in class X. He is very good in singing, drawing and sports too.