Miss. Salonivani Pappu Singh, female child has low vision disability by birth. Now She is in IIIrd standard student at Government Primary School Baina No 1 of Mormugao Taluka. She is Eight years old girl. Salonivani’s Father is working as a daily wages earner and mother is a house wife. Their mother tongue is Hindi…Read More
Venissa Fernandes is a 13 yrs old child from Tambose village of Pedne Taluka situated in North District of Goa. She was born with disability of Ortho Impairment. When her mother observed the difference in her growth and development, she was taken to the Goa Medical College for testing. She was diagnosed as Ortho impaired…Read More
My name is Mohd. Jassem, when I was seven years old, I lost my mother. I used to study in a private school. After my mother’s death, I was sent back to my village to stay with my grandmother. In my native village, I slowly started mixing with children raising bad habits. My grandmother also…Read More
It fills us with great pride to share that one of our very own girls; Pooja Raju of Kilkari Home, Delhi won three gold medals for the relay race and two silver medals for 100 and 200 meters sprints at the Special Olympics held in Los Angeles in July 2016. Born in a village in…Read More