Ubaid Afzal was identified during the survey conducted in 2013 under the IED component of SSA. He is suffering from the conditional Retinitis Pigmentosa, a condition in which eye sight deteriorates with the passage of time. Ubaid used to go school but the teachers at the school were not able to teach him effectively. After identifying…Read More
Sakeena Yusuf was identified during the survey conducted in 2013 under the IED component of SSA. Sakeena was congenital blind. After the identification, her parents were motivated by the Resource Teacher, to enroll her in the local Government School, which they agreed. Resource Teacher also motivated the local school teachers to enroll the child in their School….Read More
Rizwana Aslam resides in Yurtung village of Leh city. She is 14 years old girl with special needs falling in the category of cerebral palsy. She is very sweet and pretty child with full of life, interested in so many things. Rizwana was provided therapeutic support in the form of assistive resistive exercise to restore her…Read More
Gurpreet S/o Sh. Naresh kumar was born on 8th June 2005 in the town of Saha of Block Saha. He is mentally retarded child with 50% disability. His father is a labourer and mother is house wife. He is studying in 6th class in Govt. Senior Secondary School Saha. As per his parents, he suffers…Read More