I am Jalaja kumari working as a Headmistress in GMS.Chittar (UDISE No. 33300700604). Sree Vishnu karthik’s family was residing near our school and were very poor. Even then they send their elder son Sree Vishnu Karthick to “Bharath Primary School” at Pechipparai. He was studying in II Std. Since they were unable to pay the…Read More
My name is Soojoal from west Bengal. My father’s name is Gopal and mother name is Kemma. Due to poverty we come to Kanyakumari District in search of work. My parent got work in the Brick kiln at Chenpagaramanputhoor. My parents asked me to support them in making bricks. When I was working with my…Read More
I am Maideen Basha, doing II year BE in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in GOJAN school of Business and Technology, Edapalayam Redhills Chennai 600052. I was once an out of school children after migrating from Karnataka along with my family. I was supporting my family by working in chamber. During 2008-09 I was enrolled in…Read More
I am Anjali from Tirupur. Due to lack of interest, I discontinued my studies when I was in Class VII. Later I was very much worried about my future. During the survey conducted by SSA in April 2011, the BRTEs met my parents and insisted on the importance of education and my future. Through their guidance…Read More