Ranjana Sadubhai Savra
Ranjana Sadubhai Savra, age 18 years born in Dolara Jambipada, (Amboli). Her mother’s name is. Smt. Maynu Savra and father’s name is Sadubhai Savra. She has three brothers. She was identified through house-hold survey and it came to know that she was drop-out since 2nd standard. Girls Education Coordinator visited her home and gave information regarding Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya residential school. Girl Education coordinator gave information about KGBV residential school facilities like studying, lodging, boarding, study materials, uniforms etc are provided free of cost. She was enrolled directly in age appropriate class 6th on 26/7/2010 and she got special training at par with other girls.
She has grown extremely well academically and has also started to participate in all the activities of KGBV. She was a proud student of Khanvel KGBV and passed her 10 class with First class. She used to participate in all the activities of KGBV. Further, after completing class 10th, she got admission in Marathi Medium Intermediate College in D&NH. She also got chance to represent D&NH through Bal Bhavan at Delhi for National Children’s Assembly and Integration Camp. She is also a student of National Cadet Corp (NCC) and participates in various camps conducted by NCC.
She feels that her Teachers, Girls Education Coordinator had encouraged & motivated her to work hard. She is very thankful to the concerned staff. If KGBV was not there, she would have stopped her studies in 2nd standard itself as she found studying to be disinteresting. After joining KGBV she understood her lesson and was given extra care and coaching by the teachers.