Ujwala Laksi Masiya
Ujwala Laksi Masiya, age 12 years born in Sindoni Tornchimal, (Mandoni). Her mother’s name is Smt. Sakhli Laksi Masiya and father’s name is Laksi Sone Masiya. She has two brothers and three sisters. She is youngest of all. She was identified through house-hold survey and it was come to know that she was drop-out from 5th standard. She studied till std. 5th in Primary School Marathi medium Tornichimal and later she had to be enrolled in Primary Marathi medium Sindoni Masiyapada for std 6th but she dropped-out because her parents financial condition was not so good and even they were illiterate. Ujwala stayed at home for household work and also looked after their domestic animals.
Girls Education Coordinator visited her and gave information regarding Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya residential school. Girl coordinator guided her that in KGBV residential school all the facilities like studying, lodging, boarding, study materials, uniforms etc are provided free of cost. And thus through special training she was enrolled in class-6th dated 1/7/2014. At earlier stage she was not able to cope up with the hostel life but slowly she understood the way of living.
Next year i.e std 7th, academically she grew tremendously and also started to participate in all the activities of KGBV. Seeing her growth she was nominated as monitor of the class. At present she is studying in class 8th Marathi Medium, KGBV. She is one of the talented girl in KGBV school. She takes part in all sports activity and other co-curriculum activities. She has a keen interest in dancing and singing. Now Ujwala is a confident girl who loves her school, studies and striving hard to pass her 8th class with distinction. She feels that Teachers, Girls Education Coordinator had encouraged, motivated her to work hard.