Venissa Fernandes
Venissa Fernandes is a 13 yrs old child from Tambose village of Pedne Taluka situated in North District of Goa. She was born with disability of Ortho Impairment. When her mother observed the difference in her growth and development, she was taken to the Goa Medical College for testing. She was diagnosed as Ortho impaired child.
Venissa had never previously been to school on account of her disability. When her mother heard about the special School i.e Atmavishwas School for Special Children, Tuem in Pernem taluka, she was enrolled in that school in the year 2014. Her mother used to take her in the public buses to drop her to the School as there was no School bus in her locality. Her mother struggled a lot to take her to that School. Venissa was not receiving treatment from School staff as expected. So, her mother stopped her from going to special School.
Venissa was brought to notice of Goa Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Block Resource Centre- Pedne in the year 2015. She was categorised as Out of School child. After that she was included in ALIMCO camp as she was in need of Wheel Chair. In the year 2016 she started receiving Physiotherapy treatment through Goa Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. Dr. Joanne D’souza (Physiotherapist) started personally visiting the residence of Venissa i.e. twice a week. After communicating with her mother it was brought to the notice that Venissa has already learnt the basic i.e identification of words & numbering with the help of her sister. So, in order to impart education in better way to the same special child, her mother was guided to apply for Home Base Education under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.
Her mother collected all documents to apply for Home Base Education. While doing so, the near by regular Schools refused her for enrolling & without enrolment the Home Base Education was not possible. Fortunately, it was BRC Co-ordinator & higher authorities from Goa Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan who helped her in enrolling in regular School.
Finally Venissa started receiving Home Base Education from Volunteer Educator i.e. Mrs. Neeta M. Gawandi.
Despite of her disability she is quite good in her performance.