Salonivani Pappu Singh
Miss. Salonivani Pappu Singh, female child has low vision disability by birth. Now She is in IIIrd standard student at Government Primary School Baina No 1 of Mormugao Taluka. She is Eight years old girl. Salonivani’s Father is working as a daily wages earner and mother is a house wife. Their mother tongue is Hindi and at present she is studying in a Marathi medium school.
Miss. Salonivani took admission in 2014 for Ist standard at GPS, Baina 1 School. That time she faced so many problems due to her low vision disability and she was attending the school along with her parent. In Ist standard, she was a dull student and her teacher identified her problem and discussed with her parents. Thus, parent approached the specialized doctors.
Before approaching the doctors, she was not able to read and write properly. She was able to learn only when teacher wrote in big size. This year she attended the Medical Camp organized by Goa Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Specialized doctors examined her. Now she able to study properly after medical assessment. She has been given Spectacles, which she is wearing regularly.
She is very good and humble girl and is sincere in her school. She is interested in Art. She likes painting and drawing. Her School attendance is good and she participates in school activities without fail even though her low vision disability. She is able to do most of her work independently and goes to school alone.