Gurpreet S/o Sh. Naresh kumar was born on 8th June 2005 in the town of Saha of Block Saha. He is mentally retarded child with 50% disability. His father is a labourer and mother is house wife. He is studying in 6th class in Govt. Senior Secondary School Saha. As per his parents, he suffers from mental retardation due to delay in birth cry. He has delayed milestones which his parents didnot observe earlier and did not take it seriously. They noticed his problem after two years and they took him to the hospital for check up where they found that he is a mentally retarded child. But inspite of this, his parents did not lose hope and they worked hard with him.
He is very active and talkative child. Mr. Parveen Kumar, Special Teacher from GSSS Saha first time met him and found him moderate mentally retarded with lot of behavioural problems. He always quarrels with other children, do not sit at one place, bullying others and also shows self injurious behaviour. Initially he had no friends. His academic performance wasn’t upto the mark and not able to write his name even.
Initially, the Special Teacher tried to interact with him in friendly manner by asking about his family background.
The Special Teacher applied different techniques to improve his behavioural problems. Some of them
are mentioned below. The main problem which his teacher was facing is that he was unable to sit at one place at a stretch.Special Teacher suggested his teacher to provide work in small segments followed by a break. This worked a lot for him.
Then the Special Teacher started to teach him basics of reading and writing but his impulsive behaviour such as throwing material, pushing peers, shouting etc created disturbances in study. Special Teacher suggested his teacher to change his seating arrangement and make him sit in the front bench. After some time, his teacher found that the strategy which was used to reduce his impulsive behaviour proved to be successful to some extent. After applying some techniques of behaviour modification, Special Teacher started with recognition of alphabets with the help of flash cards. Special Teacher used to give frequent and steady reinforcement in the form of social and materialistic award to motivate him. His parents played an important role in his overall achievement. They put great efforts to improve his behavioural problems and academic performance also.
To reduce his involuntary movement and coordination problems, Special Teacher suggested that he should be provided enough space so as not to disturb classmates. He was also given adaptive pencil with thick handle and big eraser for better hold. Special Teacher used concrete objects and picture charts to teach him rather than teaching with abstract material. Special Teacher used multisensory approach to teach him that is visual, auditory, kinaesthetic and tactile approach. Then, Special Teacher moved towards writing parts and followed proper pattern which started from stage-1st Tracing, 2nd Dot Joining, 3rd Copying, and 4th Writing from Memory.
Gradually as the time has passed, he is showing remarkable progress in academics with the combined efforts of his class teachers, his parents and Special Teacher. Now, he has become very good in oral also. He knows few poems, counting, alphabets etc. Inspite of the disability his performance is outstanding.