Rizwana Aslam
Rizwana Aslam resides in Yurtung village of Leh city. She is 14 years old girl with special needs falling in the category of cerebral palsy. She is very sweet and pretty child with full of life, interested in so many things. Rizwana was provided therapeutic support in the form of assistive resistive exercise to restore her strength and reduce deformity exercise for strengthening of oral muscles, vocalization trainings were provided to help child develop communication skill. Gone are the days when she could not hold pencil in her hand, she had less muscle power in her hand and her fingers were rigid and flexed. She had difficulty in what ever she spoke, could not be understood by others due to which she preferred to remain isolated.
Recently she participated in drawing and singing competition at High School Chushot, in which several children with special needs actively participated. She took part in singing as well as drawing and she stood first in drawing and was awarded by Executive Councilor Leh.
At present the child is showing positive results with the support of regular training sessions, there is drastic change in her behaviour. She is more clear in what ever she speaks, she has adjusted herself in this environment and accepting everything as challenge with positive remarks.