Rita Avale
Rita Avale studies in Class 5 in Zilla Parishad Upper Primary School, Datala village, Cluster Yashvantnagar, in Chandrapur district in Maharashtra. Mentally challenged Rita was a completely lost child when she was first admitted in school last year. She was self-engrossed, hardly aware about her movements and personal cleanliness. No student was willing to sit beside her. But one year in the school, she is now a changed person. She is well kept and aware about hygiene and also friendly with everyone. There is way difference in her personality and learning levels since her enrollment last year. This change was possible when the teacher adopted approach of constructivism, which believes that every child can learn. Realizing her situation the class teacher gave her special attention and designed special activities and learning tools for her. The teacher allowed her to learn at her own pace. As she started enjoying school time, her absenteeism went down. She could get along well with other students. She still takes more time to grasp things, but that doesn’t deter her from learning. Now she regularly attends the school. She no longer remains aloof and takes part in each and every activity with interest.