Mebakordor Kharkongor
Mebakordor was born on 31st January 2006 with normal delivery. She is the fourth child of Mr. David Brahman a labourer and Mrs. Baiarlin Kharkongor a housewife. Meba has seven siblings 4 girls and 3 boys. She lost her vision at the age of 6yrs when she suffered from brain T.B and she became totally blind. At that time she was dependent on her family and friends for everything, especially when she had to move around. She was over protected by her family who took care of her daily chores.
Mebakordor has been going to a regular school from the age of 8 yrs. She had been learning print until the age of 9yrs after which her teacher realised she would require braille to stay at par with her classmates. In her school their is a Block Resource Person on IE who used to visit her school once in a week. She taught her to walk from the gate to her classroom independently, only needing a verbal prompt every once in a while.
Mebakordor learnt all her Braille letters and numbers within a year and is now learning punctuation signs. Her eldest sister observes the sessions every week so she can teach her at home. Meba has done well this year and according to her class teacher she is well ahead of the class and she gets double promotion. Her parents are extremely thrilled with this as they were initially told that she never learn to read it.