Atish was born at Khaliabagicha of Boudh town in Odisham and has Cerebral Palsy, since the time of his birth. His parents left no stone unturned for his treatment / nourishment, but in vain, due to lack of financial funds and proper help. One of his neighbor used to attend Parent Counselling programme for the CWSN held at N.P. Dev Primary School, Boudh organized by SSA, Boudh. He briefed Atish’s parent about the ‘Free of Cost’ service / activities of SSA and advised to meet the BRP in this regard.
The helpless parents met with the Hqrs. BRP who introduced them to the IE Coordinator of SSA, Boudh. The IE Coordinator consoled them and assured that SSA would take the entire responsibility for his therapeutic intervention/treatment etc. regularly. Thereafter, Atish was diagnosed in the Medical Board and issued a certificate of cerebral palsy category with 90% disability.
A Corner Chair along with Wheel Chair had been provided to Atish for his comfort in classroom & easy convenience to School. Escort Allowance have been issued to the parents of Atish to bring him to school regularly. Banishree Scholarship & 15 Kg rice have been provided out of social security scheme.
At present, Atish is an intelligent student of Class-VII in Khaliabagicha PUPS of Boudh and writes with his own hand. He fulfills his daily routine activities, in the same manner.
In his own words, ‘Now I treat myself to be much more competent in comparison to a normal child. There is no activity, that I cannot perform’. Someone has rightly said ‘Where there is a Will, there is a Way’.