Suman Jalli
Suman Jalli is a child with multiple disabilities having both vision and hearing impairment. She is the 2nd child of – Prasanna Jalli and Minati Jalli and was born at Khallikote primary health centre on 09/01/2004. During birth she had no physical problem but at the age of 1 year her family noticed that Suman is often falling on the floor and bumps over the objects. Their family suspected she has vision problem.
Her parents Prasanna jalli and Minati jalli could not take her to medical for treatment due to financial problem. They belong to BPL category and live in Tentuliapada village under Keshapur GP of Khallikote Block, dist- Ganjam near the bank of CHILIKA Lake. Occupationally they are fisherman.
At the age of 2years 6month her parents got her left eye operated at M.K.C.G. medical college, Berhampur. When she was in 5th standard at Tentuliapada NP School, she attended the “BAL JYOTI” vision screening programme. During that programme, doctors referred her for higher treatment at L.V. prasad Eye Institute, Patia, Bhubaneswar. With the help of Inclusive Education, SSA, Ganjam and guidance of BRTs she was admitted in L.V. Prasad Eye Institute for eye operation. Subsequently her both eyes were operated and spectacles were also provided to her.
Her parents are being provided escort allowance. She has received 75% visual handicapped certificate. Banishree scholarship is also being provided to her.
Presently she is studying in class 8th at Keshpur UGHS. In 7th class, she faced some difficulties in hearing. After several counselling, her father got a clinical assessment of her hearing done and her handicapped certificate was renewed. Medical findings of her vision problem are aphakia and hearing problem is SNHL. BTE hearing aids have been provided to her at District Resource Centre, Inclusive Education, SSA Ganjam on 17/10/2016.
She comes to school regularly and participates in all type of scholastic and non scholastic activities at school. Suman also has a disabled younger brother who she brings to school by his wheel chair. She also helps her mother in household activities. Over all she is liked in her community.