Habanjoy Tripura
- Age-13 years old.
- Class:VI(Six),Father-Jarmejoy Tripura,
- Mother-Kati bala Tripura,Vill: Jatindra Para
- Po+PS- Ganganagar, Dist-Ambassa, Dhalai Tripura
- Distance : Jatindra Para to Ganaganagar- 60 KM
- Mark obtained : 71% Grade
Shri Habanjoy Tripura came for study to the Ganganagar High school in the year 2014. He got admission in class – III (three) and was provided boarding facility in Ganganagar Residential Hostel. When he was enrolled, he faced problems in Bengali and English reading and could not pronounce properly. He could not even recognize the alphabets. Later on, under the careful supervision of the Warden and support of the Part-time Teachers engaged for the hostel, his capabilities have improved dramatically. At present, he is able to pronounce, read and write in English and Bengali properly.