Joydeep Deb
Joydeep Deb was born in a poor family at Krishnagar village of Kumarghat block situated at Fatikroy in Unakoti district. In his childhood he was diagnosed with 100% visual impairment. His parents had not even thought about education of their child. But Joydeep wanted to study and was thus admitted in a neighbourhood formal school. But unfortunately he had to drop out from class-III in the year 2008.
Later, in the year 2010, during Vidyalaya Chalo Abhiyan, he was admitted in Class V in Krishnanagar BM High School under Unakoti District as an out of school child.
After admission, he was highly encouraged by teachers, students of the school and other officials. Teachers and SSA Officials provided continuous educational support and training on orientation and mobility with concept development. He was also provided with various facilities under Inclusive Education programme of SSA and he completed Elementary Education successfully. During the year 2016, he successfully passed Madhyamik Examination (Class X Board Exam) and is now studying in class XI in a formal school.