Shivani Rai, is the daughter of Mr. Sankar Rai, an inhabitant of Bhojo Gaon Panchayat under Sonari Block. Physically the child is fine but has problems while communicating. She is attending the day care centre from 2013 onwards from the age of 5 yrs. After interaction with her father, he was advised to consult a psychologist…Read More
She was a student of Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidalaya, Gobardhana which was established in 2011. Her father’s name is Sashi Mohan Nath and her Mother’s name Nirupama Nath and she lives in Saudor vitha of Baksa district. Her father is a small shopkeeper. She belongs to a very poor family and due to poverty she…Read More
Hussain Ali, born on 3rd March 2004 at Basugaon, Kashudola, under Sidli Block, Dist- Chirang, is at present a student Std. V in Kashudola LPS. Of three children, he is the second youngest born. Hussain’s mother during her pregnancy, suffered from jaundice and consequently delivered the child with cerebral palsy. His father belongs to economically…Read More
Yogesh, a bright student, had to discontinue his studies as his family migrated to Chandigarh in search of work. After migration their priority was to earn for their basic needs. Due to these circumstances, Yogesh missed on his studies for a very long time, but he never stopped dreaming. As soon as his father got…Read More