
Vasava Tashwir kumar Surendrakumar

Vasava Tashwir kumar Surendrakumar - Primary School, Kanapor, Gujarat

Monday, 23rd Jan 2017

In Gujarat, SSA has deployed resource person for inclusive education for Children with Special Need (CWSN) at every block, and Block. Resource Person (BRP) holds the responsibility to survey and find the Children with special need. During the same survey Nandod BRP IED Vasava Hanshaben visited Tashwir kumar residing at Kanapor Cluster of Taropa. He…Read More

Singal Divyesh Batukbhai

Singal Divyesh Batukbhai - Shree Vinoba Bhave Primary School No. 93

Monday, 23rd Jan 2017

Singal Divyesh Batukbhai is a boy studying in standard -4th  in  Shree Vinoba Bhave Primary School  No. 93. In 2012 during the door to door survey in Ambedkar nagar we found out that the Divyang Child was not in any contact of School. His parents believed that this child cannot get education like other children….Read More

Roshni Khatun

Roshni Khatun - KGBV Model-III Hostel, Joykrishnapur A.B.S Vidyapith (H.S), Murshidabad, West Bengal

Monday, 16th Jan 2017

Roshni Khatun is a member of very needy and poor family. Her uncle visited the H.M of school and presented the life history of the child. She was granted admission in class-V  at this K.G.B.V model-III hostel. The girl is also pleased to get the hostel facility. She started to use the hostel library daily. So her…Read More

रजनी कुमारी

रजनी कुमारी - राजकीय उच्च प्रथमिक विद्यालय, सितारगंज

Sunday, 15th Jan 2017

मेरा नाम रजनी कुमारी है । मैं कक्षा छ: की छात्रा हूँ । मेरे विद्यालय का नाम राजकीय उच्च प्रथमिक विद्यालय सितारगंज है। मैं कस्तूरबा गाँधी आवासीय बालिका विद्यालय के छात्रावास में रहती हूँ।  बहुत छोटी थी जब मेरे माता व पिता की मृत्यु हो गयी और हम भाई बहन सब अकेले रह गए। माता पिता…Read More