Magarla Sai Kiran
Magarla Sai Kiran was born with Spasticity Diplegia. He belongs to Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh. He learnt only the activities of sitting and crawling up to the age of 8 years. At the age of 9 years, the boy was identified for Home Based Education by the IE Resource Teacher under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. He was given training in self help skills like eating, toileting, grooming, dressing, gross and fine motor activities and academics.
Thereafter, Sai Kiran was given physiotherapy, Speech Therapy (Blowing, Mouth Massage, Tongue exercise) apart from continuing regular Home Based Education activities. Fits were controlled and the child became active and receptive as well as he started making expressions through signs and sounds.
At the age of 10, he underwent a minor surgery for the both legs (tibia) and Calipers, through the help of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. Physiotherapy activities were being continued at the Bhavitha Centre and remarkable changes were noticed. Again after six months he underwent one more surgery for both legs (thighs) and again given appropriate calipers and continued skilled physiotherapy at the Bhavitha Centre as well as Home Based Education. At this stage he was able to stand with the support of Rolators, provided through SSA for walking.
He was given admission directly to 3rd class at MPPS, Indukurpet in Nellore district and formal education was given by the teachers as well as by IERTs. After initiating the services of Bhavitha Centres at Indurkurpet, he was given complete Individualized Educational Programme (IEP). Major changes were noticed in his life skills and in his education too.
With the support of regular physiotherapy and special IEP at Bhavitha Centre, he attained remarkable progress in Academics and the Grades achieved in regular assessments he completed his primary level and got admitted into High School, Kothur of Indukurpet. He was also given Scholarships, Pension, bus pass, apart from transport allowance through SSA.
Now he is walking and attending to his needs and attending school without any support.