![Hussain Ali](https://repository.education.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/hussain-150x150.jpg)
Hussain Ali
Hussain Ali, born on 3rd March 2004 at Basugaon, Kashudola, under Sidli Block, Dist- Chirang, is at present a student Std. V in Kashudola LPS. Of three children, he is the second youngest born. Hussain’s mother during her pregnancy, suffered from jaundice and consequently delivered the child with cerebral palsy. His father belongs to economically weaker section of the society and is burdened with responsibility of looking after his family on very meager means.
Hussain, on account of his cerebral palsy, was deprived of schooling. He was not able to understand instructions. He could not speak. He had poor concentration and eye hand coordination. He also lacked toilet control.
The Block resource person under SSA approached the parents and counseled them to admit Hussain to the Day Care Centre of the block. Thereafter, at the centre, an intervention plan was prepared and the resource person and physiotherapist commenced imparting various types of training and therapies such as self-help skills, language training, speech therapy, and physiotherapy.
After a few months, upon showing improvement, his parents were convinced to admit him in a school. At that time his developmental milestones were lagging and he needed special teaching skills under the guidance and consistent monitoring of the resource person of SSA.
He can now understand and follow instructions, and there is reasonable improvement in his eye hand co-ordination.He is now learning academic skills. He also participates in various activities at school.
Hussain’s case is demonstrative example of the life changing differences that can be brought about in the lives of these special children by specialized training and support of both family and society. It transforms a person with special needs to lead a normal life with dignity.