Prerna, a child born with Blindness, was enrolled in Pre-Primary class of the Govt. school of Dhanas at the age of 03 years (a village in Chandigarh). Prerna belongs to a family of low income group, her father has a shop and mother is a house wife and she gets full support from her family.
After her admission, her teacher in consultation with Resource Teacher assessed that Prerna requires regular support service and training on Braille script, Taylor Frame, Orientation & Mobility and sensory training so that she can write and learn and become independent in life. Prerna had the potential to study normally in the school. At the time of assessment, it was found that she had a fear in taking steps in class or outdoor. On assessment following points were observed:
Entry level assessment
- Knowledge of alphabets orally.
- Able to do oral counting from 1 to 100.
- No recognition of Hindi alphabets in Braille but she orally know varanmala.
- Has identification of objects like book, pencil, pen, glass, bag, shirt etc.
- No knowledge about Braille slate and dots &Taylor frame.
Orientation and Mobility
- Could not move independently in and around the class.
- She had knowledge about environment and can identify things like flower, leaf, tree.
- Generally talks relevantly.
- Good socialization.
- Shows interest in studies.
- No other sign of improper behavior.
Activity of Daily living skills
- Could take meal without any help from other.
- Independent in dressing and toilet trained.
- Interest in Musical instruments and songs.
- Can make friends easily.
Prerna was provided regular support at Resource Centre at G.M.S.S.S 38W. Though Prerna was doing well at G.S.S.S.S Dhanas but on getting special support also at G.S.S.S-38W, she was able to read and write Braille dots, showed improvement in sensory skills and Taylor Frame. In addition to this she was given training on Orientation & Mobility also. Prerna can do routine syllabus. But on the basis of her assessment following adaptation were made in the classroom teaching:
- All question papers are given in Braille script
- Sensory training specially touch sense and hearing like money concepts, high and low pitch sound with the help of TLM.
- Mobility training with the help of cane and with sighted guide in indoor and outdoor mobility.
- Writing and reading of Braille dots and practice of mathematical operation on Taylor Frame.
Prerna gets special attention in her classroom by her class in-charge. She gets homework as per her syllabus. Her teachers teach her with extra care and attention. Prerna is seated on the first seat in the classroom. Due to her good socialization attitude she gets well along with her classmates.
She used to participate in all activities of the school with enthusiasm. Due to efforts of the school, resource teacher and her parents, she writes and read six dots in Braille Script. And she orally knows alphabets of English. She is good in use of musical instruments and takes interest in music.
Now, Prerna is in Class 5th of the school and is able to do the following:-
- Read Hindi and English textbooks or any books in Braille script independently.
- Write Braille script in Hindi and English which is taught in normal class by subject teacher. For e.g. applications, Essay writing, question/answers of textbooks etc.
- Can do mathematical operations like: counting, all types of calculations, tables etc. on Taylor Frame.
- Can walk freely in class and resource room and from class and resource room to washroom and drinking water tank with the help of peers.
- Can identify coins and rupees.
- Can use technology independently.
Her class teacher and Principal has positive attitude towards her and they are always ready for her support and gives special attention in class and school. Prerna has become independent and a confident child in all spheres of life. She has also become socially confident.
With the efforts of teachers and parents, Prerna has now become a confident child and has also become very popular in the Chandigarh Administration. She used to participate in various activities and competitions of the Administration. Some of her achievements are as under:
- Participated in competition of Children’s day organized by Municipal Corporation and took 1st prize in fancy dress competition and poem recitation.
- Speaker in various functions of school inaugurations by Chandigarh Administration.