Basilika Lamare
Basilika Lamare was born on 23rd January 1999. She is now 18 years old and she is a mild mentally retarded child. She is the 2nd child of Mrs. Ryoowanka Lamare and Mr. Charles Samati who is a driver by profession.
Regarding Basilika case history it was found that it was a genetic cause as her mother was suffering from Malaria at 4 or 5 months of conception and had to be hospitalised. It was a full term normal delivery conducted at the hospital. It was also found that birth cry was delayed and all developmental milestones were delayed. There is no history of Mental Retardation or mental illness.
In 2011 she had stopped going to school as she could not cope up with her studies. Thereafter she started training her in the Resource Centre for about six months and the very next year she enrolled in the nearby school. Basilika is a very shy girl, she can do household works like cleaning the house, washing clothes and dishes. She also looks after her younger sisters. She plays with her peer groups and like to do activities like making flowers. She goes to church on Sunday alone.
Basilika goes to Faith Academy Secondary School in Salaroh Jowai. She is now in class III. She is very cooperative but loses attention on hearing any sounds with the help of the training she can now read her own name and read simple words. She can copy neatly and can do simple additions and subtractions and can do colouring well. Today she is also being trained to sit in her grandmother’s shop on holidays. She is being taught to use the calculator for money transaction with a view to help her for independent living.