Jali Kumari
Jali Kumari was born on 15th February, 2000 at Vadelnadi village of Sindhari Block in Barmer district of Rajasthan. She has four siblings. Her parents are Mrs. Tiku Devi Aashu and Mr. Thaker Ram Aashu.
She is congenitally deaf. Hospital facilities are not good in this area therefore her delivery happened at home. Jali did not cry just after birth and due to lack of proper medical facilities and guidance she was not treated with proper medical care. Therefore, she is suffering with hearing problem. Parents could not recognize her problem in early months. After one year, her parents were recognized her problem, they took her to hospital for check-up and came to know that she was suffering from hearing loss. Knowing that the child is deaf and dumb and there is no possibility of any aid, her parents were disappointed. Monthly income of her father is not so much to support her & meet out the domestic expenses.
Her education began from her village Vadelnadi where she started going to school with parents and sibling. Due to deafness the she could understand anything that was being taught. She continued going to school. Then, Jali was identified during survey conducted by Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Barmer by Mr. Rajender Kumar, Resource Person (CWSN), Block Sindary, Barmer. He met with her parents. As she was already going school, she just required support from teacher. She got disability certificate during Medical cum Functional Assessment conducted by Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. She learned sign launguge with the help of Mr. Rajendra, Resource Person.
She understands some language at the word level and is studying well in school. She is getting full support from the school teachers. The principal Ms. Meharaj Ram, Teachers Khartha Ram, Babu Ram,Surender Yadav etc. helping her. Mr. Rajendra, Resource Person guided the teachers regarding subject specific adaptations and teacher from school got training organised by Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. Jali is studying all subjects taught by teachers and whenever required, teachers get support from Resource Person (CWSN), SSA. She also participates in cultural programs and games conducted by school.
Now she is studying in class eight and she wants to become teacher. She is learning computer also. She is very happy and coming to school every day. Her parents are also happy with her performance.