S. Razia Begum is the youngest of four children of her parents Nassin Banu and Khader moddin. Her parents are coolies. She used to go to coolie support her studies. Inspired by the Campaign programme conducted by the teaching staff of KGBV Kallur she joined in the school in 7th class. With the encouragement of…Read More
Vivek Sharma a student of class 8th in GMS Rugra District Solan, belonging to a BPL family. He is from a very poor back ground and have to help his parents in the morning and evening. Fetching grass for the cow daily at 6 AM and helping her mother in cooking in the evening did not…Read More
Bandna Kumari was a drop-out due to the poverty of the family. She had to help her poor parents in small household chores and the parents also preferred her for help. After counseling of the parents and the child, the girl was enrolled in KGBV where she is doing well in studies. Quite inquisitive and…Read More
Manish S/o Shri Bhagwan dass student of class 6th Govt. High School Jabri. He was having a problem in arm. The ortho surgery was provided to him and the rods were placed in his arm and now he is feeling well. Parents and other members of family are thankful to the department for providing aids…Read More