Vasava Tashwir kumar Surendrakumar
In Gujarat, SSA has deployed resource person for inclusive education for Children with Special Need (CWSN) at every block, and Block. Resource Person (BRP) holds the responsibility to survey and find the Children with special need. During the same survey Nandod BRP IED Vasava Hanshaben visited Tashwir kumar residing at Kanapor Cluster of Taropa. He was physically disabled by his right leg (O.H.), therefore his parents were not interested for his admission in School. But BRP IED Vasava Hanshaben and teachers of Primary School Kanapor did the counseling of his family, and convinced them to get their child enrolled in Std-I in Primary School, Kanpor.
After the admission BRP IED Vasava Hanshaben took him to Civil Hospital Rajpilpa with the parents permission and got the child examined by doctor. Doctor suggested that corrective surgery will be very helpful. BRP IED Vasava Hanshaben convinced parents for corrective surgery, as it was going to help children to live a near normal life. Operation of his right leg was done at Dhiraj Hospital on 22-12-2015 by experienced doctors.
Now after surgery on the right leg of the child, so many changes can be seen. Tashwir kumar can now walk properly and his family feels very happy about it. After seeing the positive result of creative surgery, the family of Tashwir kumar are very thankful to school, BRP and state IED unit for all the help.