
Ramila, KGBV Gujarat

Ramila, KGBV Gujarat

Ramila, is a 13 year old hearing impaired girl studying in Timbarva village primary school. Her parents are labourers and they migrate to feed their family in and out of district and some times out of state. Being a special child Ramila travelled with her parents all the time. Moreover they didn’t have any motivation to get her educated because of her disability. In the year 2013-14 her parents were visited by SSA staff who made them aware about the importance of education for a special child. As a responsible SMC member, Vanubhai played very important role in convincing her parents to get her admitted in Seasonal Hostel. At seasonal hostel she was attended by the Resource Teacher and got special education training. Ramila is very good in studies as well as extra-curricular activities. She stood 1st in rope pulling competition and 3rd in drawing competition at Block Level. She has been selected to represent at district level competition. Presently she is admitted in Timbarva KGBV and is studying in Class 8th. Her parents are very thankful to SSA for supporting their daughter.