Vullapalli Rani studying in VIII class, MPUP School Kothagraharam, Nandigam Mandal enjoyed the atmosphere of the school and desired to have the same atmosphere in her house also. Then she insisted her parents to construct a toilet. But, the parents rejected the idea initially. Meanwhile the parents planned to buy a colour TV. Then this…Read More
Mohammed Vali, aged 11 years was born mentally disabled with Speech Impairment. He was having speech problem, poor academic skills, behavioral problems and personal skills. He was not able to understand the instructions. He had poor eye -hand co-ordination, could not identify things and was hyperactive, poor concentration, attention, speech, language, had poor linguistic skills and…Read More
My name is A. Vijaya Lakshmi. My father’s name is Srinivasarao and my mother’s name is Padma. I have a brother. After my brother’s marriage my parents died because of HIV. Since then my brother neglected me and sent to work as daily laborer. He never supported or encouraged for my studies. My uncle admitted me…Read More
Rudra is an Eight year old born on 3rd Oct 2006 at Beed, district, Maharashtra in economically middle class family. His father has a shop and makes bambu utensils while mother is house wife. He has four sisters.. It was indicated to his parents that his development is not as like as other baby of his…Read More